If you have completed the online risk assessment and have been identified with a risk level of 'high' then you will likely have had a number of risk factors that have caused this. Your risk assessment report that is available at the end of the assessment (and always available when you login under your 'assessments' area) shows the areas of risk that have been identified.
It is possible to fall into the high risk category for a number of reasons such as your accident history, number of miles you drive per annum, your age, experience on the road, any points on your licence and so on. The risk assessment questions in hazard, theory, laws and attitude will also contribute to your risk level if you fall below 70%.
What happens next?
You may need to complete further training in the form of online, classroom on on-road driver training. These training interventions will be shown on your assessment report. If you need to complete any training that is workshop based or in the vehicle you will be contacted by your line manager.
I've received 'online' training, do I need to do this?
Yes. If your report shows you have further online training assigned you will to complete this yourself through the Driving Monitor system. All outstanding training tasks will appear on the Tasks panel of your 'dashboard'.
What happens after I receive my training?
Driving Monitor will log your completed training and you will receive a training certificate within the system, along with any mitigation factors to offset against your risk level. The objective is to educate drivers and reduce risk levels across the company.
I've been driving for many years, what's the purpose of all this?
Your company has chosen to adopt Driving Monitor to manage the safety of its drivers to help meet its occupational road safety responsibilities. Because your company has a duty-of-care to ensure you are safe on the roads whilst driving on company business they have taken proactive steps to educate all employees who drive for work. This programme is designed to flag any areas of concern where the company needs to manage the risk associated with driving on the roads whilst in their employment. The benefit to you is that you could receive further training to make you a safer and more efficient driver.
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