For purposes of verification, we require the "Certificate of Motor Insurance". We are only able to validate genuine copies of the Certificate of Motor Insurance and this wording will be at the top of the relevant page as a single page separate from the rest of your documents.
A common mistake is the submission of the “Motor Policy” or “Motor Schedule” which do include elements of the Certificate of Motor Insurance but are not legally binding documents that prove your insurance. If you do not have your Certificate, your Broker will be able to issue a new one digitally with some also offering a postal option.
For verification purposes, we need to be able to clearly see the entire Certificate of Motor Insurance including any relevant watermarks (not including holographic marks), the signature and any overleaf that states it forms part of the central Certificate of Motor Insurance. Where this is present, it is often a second page that details the Broker’s authorisation as a certifying authority in the United Kingdom and any other relevant international countries or states.
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