Why do I need to upload my insurance?
It is a legal requirement that your employer ensures the vehicle you drive on company business has valid business insurance. If you do not have 'business cover' you can easily upgrade your insurance to include this.
I have insurance for business commuting, is this OK?
No. If you only have cover for social, domestic & pleasure with commuting this does not cover you for driving on company business. You need to check your insurance document for any restrictions which prevent you from driving on business.
Examples of driving on company business can include, but are not limited to:
- Travel to a work site.
- Travel to a client’s office.
- Travel to a customer’s home.
- Travel to a training venue.
- Any travel for which you can claim expenses.
- Driving to a bank to do company banking.
- Picking up a parcel for the company.
- Travel to a company supplier’s location.
- Driving a colleague somewhere for them to take part in a company activity (including a train station).
The following isn’t classed as driving on company business:
- Travelling to and from work, where this is a singular fixed location.
How do I know if my company has additional duties that require business coverage?
You can discuss this with your Line Manager or the Fleet Coordinator for your workplace as they will know which of your duties require insurance and which do not. When in doubt, it is always best to assume that insurance is required.
How long does it take for you to process my documents?
A maximum of two working days, with almost 100% processed same-day on a working day.
Help! My document hasn’t been processed yet?
No need to worry! If your document has taken longer than two working days please contact your Line Manager and they will be able to assist you further, there could be larger company changes or requirements for work that are keeping your documents from being processed. We work very closely with our clients and any required updates or changes on their behalf or ours are strictly documented to ensure that your safety as a driver is put first.
You can find some other helpful articles below that will help you on your path to understanding common errors in insurance and how we process our documentation below.
Top vehicle insurance FAQs:
How can I tell if I have the right cover?
What document do I need for my insurance?
What does it mean if my insurance is expired?
I've got a "Cert Mismatch", what does that mean?
What does "Driver Mismatch" mean?
Why does my document state it is for another driver's car?
What does it mean when my document is "illegible"?
I've been told my document has a "Bad Format", what does this mean?
What does it mean if there is an issue with my document password?
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